Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's time to "Camelboy up"

To continue to think that we have to be “politically correct” will be the death of the United States of America.

In today’s day and age of overly sensitive sissy’s who seem to cry about anything that is said or implied about them, we need to come to the realization that “profiling” is a necessary tool that is to be used in the fight against those who seek us harm.

The last time I flew on a domestic flight (which by the way is the only type of flight I’ve ever flown) I was standing in line to take my shoes off. I was looking at the people surrounding me.

Grandma’s, new mothers, children, businessmen of all sorts, and a couple of Middle Eastern Looking men all waiting to be screened.

It struck me funny to see that Grandma got pulled to the side to undergo the ‘thorough’ inspection, while the businessmen and Middle Easterners were sent through the ‘regular’ line.

Let’s take a look at the last few terrorist attacks or attempts on America and let’s look at the people who were the perpetrators.

Do they look like Grandma?
Do they look like Businessmen traveling from Houston to Denver?

No. They look like Middle Eastern men. This is probably because….well…..they ARE Middle Eastern men.

Am I the only one that sees this as ironic?

People, we need to ‘Cowboy Up’ and take things with a grain of salt. If you look like a duck, walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you need to be pulled aside and screened much more thoroughly than Grandma is being screened.

I say that we introduce legislation (since we seem to need to do that for any and every reason these days) that mandates that separate lines and screening areas be set up.

You go through the first set of screening, and if you’re Grandma, you go to the right.
If you look like a Middle Easterner or if your name contains “Abdul” (sorry Paula) “Hussein” or “Barack” you go to the left.

Oh, yes, and if you’re trying to board an international flight without a passport, you automatically go to the ‘enhanced interrogation’ room set up in the back.

I am sorry if this hurts your feelings or makes you feel uncomfortable because you are being singled out when Grandma is not.

Maybe someday, when people who look like you, talk like you, have names like you stop trying to kill us we can then go back to a more ‘politically correct’ way of screening you before you take your flight.

Until then. “Cowboy up”.

Or should I say “Camelboy up”?