Monday, November 22, 2010

Didn't we learn anything from Sesame Street?

Don't you remember?

You know, you were 5 years old, watching Sesame Street and that familiar song would come on....

"One of these things is not like the of these things just doesn't belong...."

It was supposed to teach us to look at several things and identify one thing that was different than all the other things surrounding it.

It seems that we (America) haven't learned our lessons from Big Bird yet.

Let's take a look at a few pictures.

I know it may be hard for some of you to single out what isn't alike. I'll give you a hint....SHE isn't in the top 3 rows and SHE isn't in the left four columns.....

Go ahead...take a minute.

Good. I am glad that you were able to locate which one of these people is 'not like the other'.

In case you have been under a rock for the past 9 years, the Muslim looking men in the photo above are the hijackers from the 9/11/01 flights. The middle aged white woman is just a picture I found on the internet to make my point. I hope I don't get in trouble for using her picture. I'm just trying to teach America how to identify the person that is 'not like the other'.

Why you might ask?

Let's think about a couple of the attempted terror attacks since 9/11/01.

We had the shoe bomber.....
And we had the underwear bomber......

Are you seeing a pattern here?

Now, before you say anything about the underwear bomber....I know. He looks like any number of young Black Men who were on the last flight I took from Phoenix to Houston. That plane made it okay.

However, there is one thing other than his appearance that makes him 'not like the others'.

His name.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

America, we need to start profiling.

If you look like any one of the above terrorists and/or your name includes any of the following:


or any other number of Muslim names (Google Search for your very own comprehensive list of names we should target) I am sorry, but YOU NEED TO BE PROFILED!

Think this is unfair?

Think that we shouldn't subject these people to enhanced pat downs while letting Grandma and Grandpa pass through security?

Okay. We won't profile them. We won't subject them to enhanced pat downs and body scans.

What we'll do is we'll give them their own airline. We can call it "Death Express"

We'll save you a seat.

I'm probably wrong.

You decide.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

54 days.

54 days people. That's how long we have before we elect the Government for our Great Nation.

Let's take a look at a few things that are not being talked about, because we're too busy talking about burning the Koran, or we're too busy talking about how much of a little slut Paris Hilton is.

Our Nation is the greatest nation on earth. Yet we have some serious issues facing us, that our government doesn't seem to be worried about.

Unemployment is at a 30 year high.
Home prices are lower than they have been in years.
Illegal Immigration is threatening our national security.
Our debt has had more added to it in the last 2 years than was racked up from 1789 through 1988.

Unemployment has not been at 10% since 1982 and 1983. (

Home prices are lower than they have been since 2000-2001. (

Illegal immigration is threatening our national security. We have Mexican drug cartels in control of large areas of Arizona. (

We can't take time to talk with the Governor of Arizona, or the Governor of Texas to discuss border security, but we have time to possibly talk with some ass clown in Florida who wants to hold a Koran burning. (Although it IS his Constitutional right to do so, all I am saying is where are our priorities?)

Our debt has had more added to it in the last 2 years than was accumulated by all Presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan combined. (

This is not to blame any political party. I definitely lean right. I won't hide that. But this is all bigger than Blue vs. Red. This is our Nation. Our way of life. Our existence at stake.

All of our politicians, whether red or blue, jackass or elephant are wrong. They are ALL wrong and they are all working towards the same goal: redistribution of wealth and the fundamental change of our Country.

Our Founding Fathers put our system of Government in place to try to protect us from what is happening. Yet, we continuously see our elected change things as they go in order to obtain what they want.

What THEY want. Not what WE want. (Ie: health care reform. The majority of Citizens in our Country did not agree with health care reform in the way it was passed. This isn't to say we do not need some kind of health care reform, but it was not done properly..... Don't believe it? Just wait. Someday you will).

From those with means to those with needs. That is the secret mantra of politicians on both sides of the isle. That's what they want.

Can't win an election based on what you stand for?

Buy the election. Take from those with means....and give to those with needs.

54 days.

We get to make a "Change WE can believe in".

Make sure you vote. If you don't like how things are going, take a good hard look at your Senator(s) and Congressmen(women) and kick them out of office if they aren't doing what you believe in.

It's your Right. Many good men have died to give us and protect our Right to vote. Our Right to choose our Government.

Go to the polls. Listen to your heart and vote.

I plan on voting against my incumbent representatives. Because quite honestly, they have all failed us and it IS time for "change" we can believe in.

I'm probably decide.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama raises debt limit to over 14 trillion behind closed doors.

According to ABC, President Obama on Friday signed in to law the bill raising the public debt limit from $12.394 Trillion to $14.294 Trillion.

That means that every citizen in the U.S. now owes (on behalf of the U.S. Government) $40,000 and every Tax payer owes $113,000.

When will you be able to cover your share?

I have one thing to say to these 'Crazies' we have in Washington.


When are we as a Country going to come to the realization that we can't afford all of the entitlement programs that are contributing to the bankruptcy of our Country?

When are we as taxpayers going to come to the realization that we are tired of lining the pockets of the people we elect in to office?

When are we as a Country going to start taking care of our own problems, instead of trying to be the world savior?

When are we going to send a message to those who are running up this debt for us by voting them all out of office?

It is really a shame. America was once a Country of people who were willing and able to WORK for what they wanted and needed.

But now it seems that more and more Americans feel that they are 'owed' something.

They feel that the Gub'ment OWES them. Yet, they have NO IDEA where the money comes from!

"I can afford my gold rolex watch. I can afford gold caps on my teeth. I can afford to put $3000 worth of tires and wheels on my 1983 Chevy Caprice rust bucket. But I can't afford health insurance. So the rest of you OWE it to me."

"I can afford my beer and cigarettes. But I can't afford to put food on the table for my 16 kids. So the rest of you OWE it to me" (They couldn't afford rubbers either)

I am sorry.

But No. No I don't owe it to you.

You owe it to yourself to be proud of who you are. You owe it to yourself to work for what you need.

You owe it to yourself to be smart enough to know what is right.....and what is not.

Now, if we could only get our politicians to act with a little self respect. A little dignity.

A little fiscal responsibility for the rest of us.

Until the time you've taken to read this post, your share has grown from $113,000 to $113,250

And it keeps growing. Check it out.

When you're ready to cut the check for your share. I suppose you just send it to the IRS. Maybe your Congressman if you trust him.