Saturday, February 13, 2010

Obama raises debt limit to over 14 trillion behind closed doors.

According to ABC, President Obama on Friday signed in to law the bill raising the public debt limit from $12.394 Trillion to $14.294 Trillion.

That means that every citizen in the U.S. now owes (on behalf of the U.S. Government) $40,000 and every Tax payer owes $113,000.

When will you be able to cover your share?

I have one thing to say to these 'Crazies' we have in Washington.


When are we as a Country going to come to the realization that we can't afford all of the entitlement programs that are contributing to the bankruptcy of our Country?

When are we as taxpayers going to come to the realization that we are tired of lining the pockets of the people we elect in to office?

When are we as a Country going to start taking care of our own problems, instead of trying to be the world savior?

When are we going to send a message to those who are running up this debt for us by voting them all out of office?

It is really a shame. America was once a Country of people who were willing and able to WORK for what they wanted and needed.

But now it seems that more and more Americans feel that they are 'owed' something.

They feel that the Gub'ment OWES them. Yet, they have NO IDEA where the money comes from!

"I can afford my gold rolex watch. I can afford gold caps on my teeth. I can afford to put $3000 worth of tires and wheels on my 1983 Chevy Caprice rust bucket. But I can't afford health insurance. So the rest of you OWE it to me."

"I can afford my beer and cigarettes. But I can't afford to put food on the table for my 16 kids. So the rest of you OWE it to me" (They couldn't afford rubbers either)

I am sorry.

But No. No I don't owe it to you.

You owe it to yourself to be proud of who you are. You owe it to yourself to work for what you need.

You owe it to yourself to be smart enough to know what is right.....and what is not.

Now, if we could only get our politicians to act with a little self respect. A little dignity.

A little fiscal responsibility for the rest of us.

Until the time you've taken to read this post, your share has grown from $113,000 to $113,250

And it keeps growing. Check it out.

When you're ready to cut the check for your share. I suppose you just send it to the IRS. Maybe your Congressman if you trust him.

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