Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Audacity of Faith

I am watching the excellent Investigative Journalism of Al Roker who is doing an expose' on firearms in America and how terrible they are. (Al Roker needs to stick to BBQ)

A commercial comes on. Some mint is selling the "Barack Obama Gold coin".

Freshly minted to commemorate his historic rise to be the 44th President of the United States.

In their commercial, this "mint" says:

"Barack Obama has inspired millions of people and has restored faith that we live in a Great Country"

Excuse me?

I never LOST faith that I live in a great Country! The United States of America is THE GREATEST Country in the world!

Are you serious? Really? Did I just see that on TV?

So let me get this straight: Obama has now formed the "Office of the President Elect" and is giving us weekly addresses. (His approval rating last I heard was over 65% without even doing a thing!) And now he has his own coin to help me remember how he restored my faith in America?

How dare anyone question my faith in The USA?

We aren't even in to the first day of the Obama Presidency and I already want to puke.

You know what?

I challenge anyone who'd like to try to convince me that the United States of America was a bad place until Barack Obama was elected.

I'll whip your ass!

I know I'm not wrong on this one.

You don't need to decide!

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