Sunday, November 23, 2008

When will it end?

When is the pity party going to end?

We have The Big 3 Automakers asking for bail out money.
We have California asking for bail out money.
We have banks asking for bail out money.
We have mortgage companies asking for bail out money.

What about me?

I think I need some bail out money.

You too?

Here's the link so you too, can apply for your piece of the pie:

Hell, that application is shorter than the one I had to fill out to get in to my Mortgage I can no longer afford!


Has it occurred to anyone that maybe we need to just let the economy be? Let the economy correct itself?

Our Politicians have been trying so hard for 10 years to stave off any kind of a recession, that when we run out of options to prop up the economy, we're all going to be in a far worse place than we would have been if we'd just let things work themselves out.

Instead of going through a moderate (in the early 2000's) to a now severe recession, we're going to cook the books to keep it from happening.

Then, when this latest round of "stimulus" doesn't work, instead of a severe recession, we'll just go in to another Great Depression.

Will our elected officials ever learn that sometimes, the best thing to do is just leave things well enough alone?

I am probably wrong.

You decide.

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