Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Thoughts

This Flu originated in Mexico right?

Every Flu I can remember since I have been old enough to pay attention originated somewhere in Asia.

So, #1 it is strange that this Flu originated in Mexico. Makes one thing that this was not just a naturally occuring illness.

#2 - Some believe that the "Elite" (Obama's real Bosses, the Tri-lateral Commission and Bildeberg Group) are working towards a New World Order. They want a one world government and will stop at nothing to gain it.

One step needed to move towards this goal is an "American Union". Similar to the EU.

You wonder why we aren't closing our borders? Because that wouldn't help us towards a "Unified" North American Continent.

If Swine Flu continues to spread in Mexico, we will see the Mexican Economy (which is already on thin ice) collapse. (One step closer to the American Union and NWO)

We will then see an even greater mass exodus from Mexico to the U.S. which will put an even greater strain on our economy (which is also on thin ice) and could eventually lead to its collapse. (Another step closer).

Instead of viewing the Spectrum as this:

Left Wing <---------------------------------------------------->Right Wing

View it as this:

"Normal People"<---------"truth"--------->Conspiracy Theorists.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle between "us" (Normal people) and the Conspiracy Theorists. Whether it's closer to "Normal" or "Conspiracy" I don't know.

Is it totally absurd that this Flu outbreak could have been man-made? I don't think so.

If it wasn't man made, is it totally absurd to think that the response is completely political in nature and that the details about how bad it really is (or isn't), are being covered up? I REALLY don't think so.

We aren't being told the whole truth about something.

It's either a lot more threatening or a lot less threatening that we are being told.

Wonder which it is.

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