Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama and the attention people.

Today I read that the Obama Administration is going to introduce legislation to REGULATE the pay of Corporate CEO's.

Not only in the banks and other institutions which have received Federal Bail out money, but that it may also apply to publicly owned companies who have done the responsible thing and have run their businesses in an honest manner.

Now, being that I work for a Publicly held Company I have some feelings about this.

It isn't the business of the Federal Government to regulate how much the CEO of my Company makes! It is the business of the Board of Directors and shareholders and no one else.

Now, I am not saying that I think that CEO's should make unlimited amounts of money, irregardless of the financial performance of the company they in charge of. I believe that CEO pay should be tied more closely to company performance. It's okay to get a big bonus if your Company fulfills its obligation to the shareholders.

All I am saying is that it isn't the business of the Federal Government to determine the amount of pay my CEO receives for doing his job.

Let honest companies prosper and let dis-honest or ill-led companies FAIL!

Folks, we are witnessing history. Right now. We are seeing things that I never dreamed I would see. Government take over of banks, the FED printing money like it's going out of style, the Executive Branch of my Country spending over a Trillion dollars in 50 DAYS! (And still taking more of OUR money!)

The expansion of Government that we are seeing right now is not only incredible, but it is also nothing more than the push towards Socialism the Democratic Party Desires.

Honestly, I think all of our lawmakers want the push towards Socialism.

Envision Wrestle Mania. Remember watching that when you were a kid (or maybe you still do watch it).

Well, when those guys are on TV it's "'re scum! I'm going to kick your ASS!"

But after the show, they are all buddies that go out for dinner and a drink. It's just show business.

Well people, our Government is the same thing. The Dems and Republicans are playing us.

They are putting up a Smoke and Mirrors show to distract us from what they are really doing.

Are you paying attention? You need to be.

We can't trust many of our "Elected" Officials. If any.

I am probably wrong.
You decide.

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