Sunday, October 26, 2008

You think your money is really yours? Think again!

So, the latest "Plan" by the Dem's designed to push us ever so much closer to Socialism is to take away the 401(k) savings plan as we know it.

The Dem's want to do away with the 401(k) tax break. The reason is, they say, that the Government is "investing" $80Million per year in to this program (in tax breaks to those using a 401(k) plan) and it isn't doing what it is designed to do, which is foster an environment in which people will actually take the incentive to save for their own retirement. So, since it isn't working to their expectation, they want to change it.

Instead, the Socialists would like to take away your right to invest in to a 401(k) and then make it mandatory that everyone invest in to their "401(k) like" savings plan.

So, basically they are going to force those that are too STOOPID to save for themselves in to doing what the rest of us are already doing, at our cost!

AT OUR COST! Are ya payin' attention?

You save your butt off and you make sacrifices to put money away in your own 401(k).

Your neighbor pisses all of his money away on beer and hookers.

The Dem's feel sorry for your neighbor for being so irresponsible, so they are going to punish you, in order to force him to save for his own retirement.

They don't want it to be thought of as "punishment" though. It's just "being more fair". You can't really expect your irresponsible neighbor to take care of his own retirement can you?

It isn't his fault he he's a complete jackass when it comes to saving for his retirement.

How about those of you already retired on a Government Pension? How about the 15% they want to take away from you to help pay for these new plans? Do you want to take it in the shorts to the tune of 15% each month so that your neighbor can be forced to do something he should already be doing?

I've said in the past that we need to vote out all incumbents.

Scratch that idea folks. At least for this election cycle. We can't afford to vote ANY Republican incumbents out of office.

The Dem's need 9 more seats and they'll be able to literally do anything they want if BHO is elected in to office.

I guess once we get a more balanced Congress and Senate, we can then entertain the idea of voting out incumbents.

For the time being, vote straight Republican ticket and try to preserve what's left of our system of checks and balances.

If we vote in BHO and keep the Democratic majority, we do away with all forms of checks and balances.

If we do this....we will reap what we sow.

I am probably wrong.

You decide.

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