Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's time to "Camelboy up"

To continue to think that we have to be “politically correct” will be the death of the United States of America.

In today’s day and age of overly sensitive sissy’s who seem to cry about anything that is said or implied about them, we need to come to the realization that “profiling” is a necessary tool that is to be used in the fight against those who seek us harm.

The last time I flew on a domestic flight (which by the way is the only type of flight I’ve ever flown) I was standing in line to take my shoes off. I was looking at the people surrounding me.

Grandma’s, new mothers, children, businessmen of all sorts, and a couple of Middle Eastern Looking men all waiting to be screened.

It struck me funny to see that Grandma got pulled to the side to undergo the ‘thorough’ inspection, while the businessmen and Middle Easterners were sent through the ‘regular’ line.

Let’s take a look at the last few terrorist attacks or attempts on America and let’s look at the people who were the perpetrators.

Do they look like Grandma?
Do they look like Businessmen traveling from Houston to Denver?

No. They look like Middle Eastern men. This is probably because….well…..they ARE Middle Eastern men.

Am I the only one that sees this as ironic?

People, we need to ‘Cowboy Up’ and take things with a grain of salt. If you look like a duck, walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you need to be pulled aside and screened much more thoroughly than Grandma is being screened.

I say that we introduce legislation (since we seem to need to do that for any and every reason these days) that mandates that separate lines and screening areas be set up.

You go through the first set of screening, and if you’re Grandma, you go to the right.
If you look like a Middle Easterner or if your name contains “Abdul” (sorry Paula) “Hussein” or “Barack” you go to the left.

Oh, yes, and if you’re trying to board an international flight without a passport, you automatically go to the ‘enhanced interrogation’ room set up in the back.

I am sorry if this hurts your feelings or makes you feel uncomfortable because you are being singled out when Grandma is not.

Maybe someday, when people who look like you, talk like you, have names like you stop trying to kill us we can then go back to a more ‘politically correct’ way of screening you before you take your flight.

Until then. “Cowboy up”.

Or should I say “Camelboy up”?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pump 'em up, or pull 'em out.

What the hell is the Obama Administration doing?

Either pump up the Troops in Afghanistan so that they can do the job we sent them there to do, or pull them out, bring them home and PROTECT OUR OWN BORDERS!

I am so thoroughly pissed that the Prez is playing a game with the lives of our soldiers.

"This country is going to shit"
"I don't even know why we're here anymore"
"There is no discernible reward for the sacrifices we're making"

These are quotes from the troops on the ground in Afghanistan.

What the hell?

Stop playing games with the lives of Mother's sons and daughters and get it together.

Give them what they need, or bring them home.

I know I'm not wrong, so if you disagree.....get bent!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

America can't be the World's Savior!

So many things going through my mind that this post is going to take some time....

Will post this weekend.

Monday, June 8, 2009

We need an express lane to Death for violent criminals.

This weeks headlines include two disturbing stories.

First is a story of a teenage boy, raping and killing an 8 MONTH OLD BOY.

Second is a story of a woman, killing her friend, and slicing her stomach open to steal her baby and pass it off as her own.

Okay people. It appears that there are two cases here that can be proven quite easily.

DNA will surely show that the accused teen did in fact rape and (as a result of, probably) kill the infant/toddler.

The boyfriend of the woman accused of killing her friend is cooperating. When paramedics arrived to try to help with a non-responsive baby, she passed the baby off as hers. They took her and baby to hospital, and found that baby could not be saved, and found that....oh yeah....you sure look good for having just given birth! (Found that she had not given birth at all.)

The body of the woman who the baby belonged to was later found in the Wacko's CRAWL SPACE!

Seriously. If there ever were two cases, where the accused were simply and absolutely of NO benefit to humanity, these would be the cases.

I say that once found guilty, we march their asses out back and put a bullet in their head.

Maybe we should televise it and make everyone watch it.

You kill someone.....we kill you back. And none of this 20 years on death row crap either.

Ron White has it right.

I am probably wrong.

You decide.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu Thoughts

This Flu originated in Mexico right?

Every Flu I can remember since I have been old enough to pay attention originated somewhere in Asia.

So, #1 it is strange that this Flu originated in Mexico. Makes one thing that this was not just a naturally occuring illness.

#2 - Some believe that the "Elite" (Obama's real Bosses, the Tri-lateral Commission and Bildeberg Group) are working towards a New World Order. They want a one world government and will stop at nothing to gain it.

One step needed to move towards this goal is an "American Union". Similar to the EU.

You wonder why we aren't closing our borders? Because that wouldn't help us towards a "Unified" North American Continent.

If Swine Flu continues to spread in Mexico, we will see the Mexican Economy (which is already on thin ice) collapse. (One step closer to the American Union and NWO)

We will then see an even greater mass exodus from Mexico to the U.S. which will put an even greater strain on our economy (which is also on thin ice) and could eventually lead to its collapse. (Another step closer).

Instead of viewing the Spectrum as this:

Left Wing <---------------------------------------------------->Right Wing

View it as this:

"Normal People"<---------"truth"--------->Conspiracy Theorists.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle between "us" (Normal people) and the Conspiracy Theorists. Whether it's closer to "Normal" or "Conspiracy" I don't know.

Is it totally absurd that this Flu outbreak could have been man-made? I don't think so.

If it wasn't man made, is it totally absurd to think that the response is completely political in nature and that the details about how bad it really is (or isn't), are being covered up? I REALLY don't think so.

We aren't being told the whole truth about something.

It's either a lot more threatening or a lot less threatening that we are being told.

Wonder which it is.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Obama and the Socialists....pay attention people.

Today I read that the Obama Administration is going to introduce legislation to REGULATE the pay of Corporate CEO's.

Not only in the banks and other institutions which have received Federal Bail out money, but that it may also apply to publicly owned companies who have done the responsible thing and have run their businesses in an honest manner.

Now, being that I work for a Publicly held Company I have some feelings about this.

It isn't the business of the Federal Government to regulate how much the CEO of my Company makes! It is the business of the Board of Directors and shareholders and no one else.

Now, I am not saying that I think that CEO's should make unlimited amounts of money, irregardless of the financial performance of the company they in charge of. I believe that CEO pay should be tied more closely to company performance. It's okay to get a big bonus if your Company fulfills its obligation to the shareholders.

All I am saying is that it isn't the business of the Federal Government to determine the amount of pay my CEO receives for doing his job.

Let honest companies prosper and let dis-honest or ill-led companies FAIL!

Folks, we are witnessing history. Right now. We are seeing things that I never dreamed I would see. Government take over of banks, the FED printing money like it's going out of style, the Executive Branch of my Country spending over a Trillion dollars in 50 DAYS! (And still taking more of OUR money!)

The expansion of Government that we are seeing right now is not only incredible, but it is also nothing more than the push towards Socialism the Democratic Party Desires.

Honestly, I think all of our lawmakers want the push towards Socialism.

Envision Wrestle Mania. Remember watching that when you were a kid (or maybe you still do watch it).

Well, when those guys are on TV it's "Man....you're scum! I'm going to kick your ASS!"

But after the show, they are all buddies that go out for dinner and a drink. It's just show business.

Well people, our Government is the same thing. The Dems and Republicans are playing us.

They are putting up a Smoke and Mirrors show to distract us from what they are really doing.

Are you paying attention? You need to be.

We can't trust many of our "Elected" Officials. If any.

I am probably wrong.
You decide.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Alright, so it's been a while.....

Okay, so it's been a while. I guess nothing has been on my mind.

But recent events have me fired up again so here we go!

What the hell is wrong with our Country?

We have a Socialist in the White House. We have Hugo Chavez "Calling on Obama" to join the new '21st Century Socialist Revolution' http://www.drudgereport.com/flashco.htm and we're still seeing approval numbers above.....oh....I don't know.....3%?

People, seriously, we are in a world of hurt. Our Country has lost its way. We're on a path to economic destruction that is going to take decades to fix.

Obama wants you to be pissed off at "W" because of the "Trillion Dollar deficit we (the Dems) inherited".

Are you paying attention people? Okay, I will give Obama the fact that he inherited a trillion dollar deficit. But let's put some things in to perspective here:

1) The inherited deficit took 8 years and two wars to come to fruition.

2) President Obama-mudder-sucka took LESS THAN 90 days to spend another TRILLION dollars on a 'stimulus' package that the only thing it's going to stimulate is that "warm fuzzy feeling" that is creeping up Chris Matthews leg!

3) Is anyone paying attention to the new $600B spending bill that is going to be voted on on Monday?

It's time for a revolution folks. It's time for more Tea Parties. It's time to take our Country back.

Write your Congressman or woman. Tell them how sick you are of the job they are doing. Tell them you intend to vote against any one of them that votes for any more Obamanomics spending bills.

Tell them that we are NOT SOCIALISTS!

COME ON PEOPLE! We need to wake up.

You all need to be stocking up on rice and beans.......and beans and rice.

A little bit of ammo won't hurt either. Like maybe.....10,000 rounds?

I am probably wrong.

You decide.