Saturday, March 7, 2009

Alright, so it's been a while.....

Okay, so it's been a while. I guess nothing has been on my mind.

But recent events have me fired up again so here we go!

What the hell is wrong with our Country?

We have a Socialist in the White House. We have Hugo Chavez "Calling on Obama" to join the new '21st Century Socialist Revolution' and we're still seeing approval numbers above.....oh....I don't know.....3%?

People, seriously, we are in a world of hurt. Our Country has lost its way. We're on a path to economic destruction that is going to take decades to fix.

Obama wants you to be pissed off at "W" because of the "Trillion Dollar deficit we (the Dems) inherited".

Are you paying attention people? Okay, I will give Obama the fact that he inherited a trillion dollar deficit. But let's put some things in to perspective here:

1) The inherited deficit took 8 years and two wars to come to fruition.

2) President Obama-mudder-sucka took LESS THAN 90 days to spend another TRILLION dollars on a 'stimulus' package that the only thing it's going to stimulate is that "warm fuzzy feeling" that is creeping up Chris Matthews leg!

3) Is anyone paying attention to the new $600B spending bill that is going to be voted on on Monday?

It's time for a revolution folks. It's time for more Tea Parties. It's time to take our Country back.

Write your Congressman or woman. Tell them how sick you are of the job they are doing. Tell them you intend to vote against any one of them that votes for any more Obamanomics spending bills.

Tell them that we are NOT SOCIALISTS!

COME ON PEOPLE! We need to wake up.

You all need to be stocking up on rice and beans.......and beans and rice.

A little bit of ammo won't hurt either. Like maybe.....10,000 rounds?

I am probably wrong.

You decide.


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