Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Does McCain even know where the jugular is?

I watched the "Town Hall" style debate this evening. I'm not sure how a debate in which Tom Brokaw chooses the questions can be labeled as such, but maybe that will be a future blog post.

I saw at least two instances this evening where McCain could have gone for the jugular and really taken it to Barrack Hussein Obama. (BHO)

When asked about the roll of the United States in foreign affairs where our national security is not threatened, BHO said (I am paraphrasing) "...we would obviously have to step in where genocide or something terrible like that is happening..."

This, only moments after saying that we really had no reason to go in to Iraq.

Really? Saddam Hussein (no relation to Barrack Hussein I am sure) didn't throw 300,000 or more people in to mass graves? Saddam Hussein didn't gas his own people to squash their civil liberties?

McCain? John McCain? Are you in the house?

Second instance was in response to the question involving Russia and how to deal with them. I think the question was basically "How do we support small countries like Georgia without reigniting the Cold War?"

BHO said....he SAID that we "...need to send them financial aide to help rebuild their economy and make sure they are stable..."

McCain? John McCain? Are you in the house?

If I was McCain I would have said something to the effect...."How about if we rebuild our OWN economy before we rebuild Georgia's"

McCain is pissing away this election by not going for the jugular when he needs to.

Folks, I honestly can tell you that voting in this election is going to amount to voting for the lessor of two evils.

At least Sarah Palin is in the mix. She gives me hope.

I wanted to hug her when I saw her on TV today saying "....you mean Barrack Obama doesn't remember that he started his political career in the living room of a domestic terrorist?..."

Again, that will be another blog entry on another day.

I'm probably wrong.

You decide.

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