Monday, October 6, 2008

Is that what Jesus would do?

And I'm not talking about our Savior, but about our friend from "South of the Border".

If you or I decided to emigrate to the great country of Mexico, do you think we could go in to their welfare office and get food stamps?

I don't. I think that what Jesus would do is he would tell me he can't help me and he'd send me on my way.

Why is it then, that Jesus (or Boris or Shmirnoff....this isn't about Mexican immigrants only) can come in to the US and without ever paying a cent in taxes, receive food stamps and welfare? How does he do this without a social security number?

Maybe it's time for a compromise.

Let's just entertain this thought in the spirit of "Bipartisan Cooperation"

Maybe we SHOULD grant amnesty to those already here illegally and give them Citizenship. We would require them to get VALID social security numbers and pay their taxes. Their benefits would be cut off between the date it is announced that amnesty has been granted and the day they receive their VALID social security number.

Once we do this and we are realizing the revenue generated from these new "Tax payers" we can then take some of that money, or even ALL of that money initially and fund the largest full-scale audit of our welfare and social security systems in history.

We need to audit each case and each case worker. When we find a case worker that filed fraudulent papers to get Jesus (or Boris or Shmirnoff) and his family benefits illegally, we prosecute that case worker for welfare fraud.

Our new "Citizens" can flip the bill for the major house cleaning we need.

It's either that, or we need to immediately cut off all benefits to those who do not pay taxes or money in to the coffers which fund these benefits and use the money 'saved' to fund the audit. (This is what I REALLY think the answer is.)

You no pay no take out!

Either way, we need to take on the problem of welfare fraud where it begins. In the welfare office.

California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas are GREAT places to start.

Do you pay for your neighbors health insurance?

Think about your answer because you probably do!

You will probably end up paying for their defaulted mortgage too. already did!

I'm probably wrong. You decide.

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