Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Who the heck am I going to vote for?

I was flipping channels tonight on DISH NETWORK and I came across channel 73.

OBAMA TV. A whole channel dedicated to Barack Hussein Obama's (from here on out, to be known as BHO) "Plan for America".

My first question is: "Where is McCain TV? What channel is that on?" But, alas, no McCain TV.

The only thing I can figure is that McCain's campaign fund hasn't received enough money from Fannie Mac and Freddy Mae to pay for his TV Channel.

Anyhow, I decided to tune in to BTV for a minute or two.

There he was. BHO lecturing me on how "Washington is broken and we need CHANGE....REAL change"

Really? We need CHANGE?

Does Obama really think I am so ignorant that I don't know that HE is part of the problem?

There isn't a Senator or Representative, Republican or Democrat that has done anything....I mean really done anything for "We the People" since I can remember!

But BHO wants me to believe that it's the "rest" of the "Folks in Washington" who are to blame?

Give me a break!

Let's put together a hypothetical situation here. You go to work, and you don't do your job. How long will it be before you get fired?

A week?

A month maybe, if your HR department decides to intervene to make sure you aren't being picked on?

So, your Boss would fire you if you didn't do your job, right?

Now let's look at the "Folks in Washington". And believe me, this IS a bi-partisan criticism.

These "Folks" haven't done their job for as long as I can remember. And, the last I checked these "Folks" work for US.

You and me!

When are we going to fire them?

Edward Kennedy has been a Senator for 46 years. 46 years!



Is this the best you have to offer?

I think that Massachusetts should have their voting privileges revoked due to repetitious stupidity.

Now to those of you who live in Massachusetts, don't get all hot and bothered. I'm just picking on you.

There are other states where people should be required to wear a helmet when they step in to the voting booth too. You aren't alone.

Our Nation is facing imminent economic doom. (Or is it?) Our lawmakers can't get out of their own way to pass legislation to save the U.S. er..... WORLD Economy?


Is this the best we have to offer?

The "Folks in Washington" want you and I to believe that the economic problems we are facing are due to "Greed on Wall street" and the housing market going soft.

You know what? I guess they are right. The housing market did go soft and there isn't a shortage of greed on Wall street.

But let's take a look at the last 36 years.

I think it was 1972 and again in 1995 that the "folks" passed legislation that in effect told home lenders that they are required to give loans to high risk borrowers.

So, the home lenders made these loans and charged a premium interest rate. (You would expect a higher interest rate for a higher risk borrower wouldn't you? Isn't that how loan companies help cover the risk they are taking on by giving this high risk loan in the first place?)

But then all of a sudden that was "Predatory Lending". The loan companies were taking advantage of the high risk borrower.

The home loan companies were price gouging John Q Homeowner because he wanted to buy a $150,000 home on $25,000 per year in welfare money that was documented on his loan application as "verified income".

Thus began the practice of making "Sub-prime" loans.

Now, these loans are coming due. And John Q's $700 per month interest only house payment is all of a sudden $1500 a month and he can't afford it.

And the banks are left holding the bag.

Or should I say....the taxpayer is left holding the bag.

It looks to me, that the people in Washington are the same people who caused this problem.

The chickens are coming home to roost people.

Vote out every Incumbent and do it every election until we FIRE ALL OF THEM.

As we vote in someone new, we need to watch them closely and if they don't do what is right...


Don't forget. Our "Leaders" work for US.

It's time we start sending a message saying that we expect them to do what we pay them for!

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